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  • Writer's picturedalalmukaime

The Folklore Reflective Statement

Do you think folktales are a good way to learn about the cultures they come from?

The folklore project was among the most interesting ones I've ever worked on. It was such an eye - opener experience that it helped us understand new cultures and see things from new angles. One of the things we did for the projects was interpretate some of the well-known folktales from other countries, including Irish and Japanese cultures, among many others. I believe it's an excellent method to learn about all the different cultures and where they came from. We also get to learn about their way of life, including their food, traditions, clothes, and even how they live. And even thought that some cultures have changed over time, but it still doesn’t mean that you cannot learn about their culture or even a part of their history and traditions.

Many feel that folktales are helpful to understand the universality of certain narratives and issues that can connect us all (e.g., most cultures view life as a journey in some way). How do you feel about this, as a result of doing the project?

I think that folktales are a great way of connecting people and help them understand the universality of certain narratives and issues, Despite the fact that we all come from diverse cultures, we often have similar opinions and mindsets. Additionally, we want to teach in others the same moral principles in order to enable them to have better discussions and stay far away from evil acts, and this is what folktales usually teach us. I can clearly see that because me and my group agreed on many things during the project believing that this made us feel more connected.

How well do you rate the Hofstede culture matrix?

I don't believe the Hofstede matrix was very accurate, even though it did a superb job of classifying all cultures according to its six cultural dimensions. Each culture has its own unique entity, but because each culture can influence other cultures as well, it is impossible to categorize them solely according to those six categories. I believe the purpose is merely to give you a general idea of how a particular culture might be. I would give it a score of 4.5 out of 10. But my rate does not undermine Hofstede's outstanding piece of work.

What did you personally learn as a result of engaging with folktales in the project? How has engaging with the project influenced the way you may think or behave in the future?

Throughout the project, I personally learned a lot. Being part of an international group allowed me to understand more about my group's cultures and I discovered that our folktales and the ways in which each narrative is told had many similarities and distinctions. Even during the analysis of the Irish and Kuwaiti folktale, my team members pointed out some details that I had never noticed and helped me gain a more in-depth understanding of my own culture. Everyone has their own unique perspective on the world. Nevertheless, we shared many opinions and agreed on several points. Furthermore, I had no idea that the folktales I had grown up hearing would have such a deep meaning for me and teach me valuable lessons about life. I will thus keep reading and listening to additional folktales from throughout the world in the future in order to discover new cultures and gain a general understanding of our surroundings also be open about new ideas.

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