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  • Writer's picturedalalmukaime

Language learning goals

A strong language is one of the most important skills to have, especially in college. Having a great language allows you to learn and communicate yourself without any problems, thus we should work as hard as we can to enhance it.

Writing skills: I believe my writing ability is at a level B2, though I believe I'm improving because we are required to write numerous essays and articles. I believe my writing skills needs to increase to a level C1 so that I can write more advanced essays that will be very beneficial to my college studies.

Listening skills: I think I may have some issues with this skill since sometimes the lecturers speak a bit quickly, and I can't keep up much, but I'm still trying to improve it. Listening is also very essential at universities because we must comprehend our lecturers to be able to study properly.

Speaking skills: In my perspective, one of the simplest study skills to acquire is the ability to speak in a foreign language. I believe that this term's podcasts, discussions, and seminars have all contributed to my ability to speak more fluently. and I believe that with further practice, I might talk at level C1.

Reading skills: I believe that one of the abilities that I practiced the most was reading. I believe that I'm rather skilled at it, that I am at level C1, and that if I practiced more, I would soon be at level C2, and I believe that I will succeed there since our studies require us to read a lot.

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