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Reflection on peer-review feedback

Learning journal week 6 [07/11/22]

Last week you took part in a peer-review process with classmates where you exchanged your writing, and both received and gave feedback on your drafts using the Ladder of Feedback model and worksheet. Reflect on this experience. How did you feel before, during and after the process? Did the experience match your original expectations? Was the process beneficial in your view? Would you do things differently the next time? How did you use the feedback you received?

(Write 200-250 words)

You might say it was a new experience for me because we didn't conduct peer reviews or receive comments of this sort in high school and as a result, I genuinely had no idea what to expect, so I was both excited and nervous. Yusuf Korkmaz and George Gukovskiy, two of my classmates, provided me with feedback on my essay, and I also provided them with feedback following the ladder of feedback. I'll start by talking about how I provided the feedback. As enjoyable as it may seem, I believe it was a huge responsibility to provide criticism to someone who you are not more experienced than and to assist them in making the best possible improvements to their work. I was fortunate in that Yusuf and George were both excellent writers, so I had no issue there and enjoyed reading their papers. I was able to provide them with some advice that, in my opinion, could improve their essays. On the other hand, I can't explain why I felt so anxious while I waited for them to read my essay and review it. Nevertheless, I appreciate the constructive criticism that George provided, as well as the writing-related suggestions that Yusuf made. In the end, I believe it was a positive experience where we students could support one another and correct flaws in our work.Additionally, I'll work to improve my writing and take my peers' suggestions into consideration. and this experience taught me that asking friends for advice is okay; they will support you and sometimes point out details that you overlooked.

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